Lean-Agile Aspiration Wizard,  Two-Day Training,  Next March 14th 2023

Making Mindsets Move

They inspire each other

Just Imagine...

What would you wish for if you could improve your leadership skills? More engaged team members who enjoy their work. Clearer team goals that your team(s) collaborate(s) on. More proactiveness in solving structural problems to create more room for what really matters. A joint effort with your teams to create the environment to make this happen. This two-day training course offers you the backpack to realize all that.

Offer Job Resources

You do this by putting human needs first. By putting dreams on the table. By offering room for self-organization. By examining shared values. By accepting that you are part of the status quo, so the solution involves work at your side too. We look critically at the gap between what we all strive for and what we actually do in our organizations. We look at the value of complainants. And we turn from firefighting to proactive improvement.

Basic Info


In open training, we take care of everything. In-company, you arrange an inquisitive group, a room, and refreshments (if live). We provide an interactive, educational training.

Target Audience

Anyone who has to provide direction to teams, departments and the organization. For example: executives, managers, coaches, scrum masters, facilitators, product owners, and HR professionals.


These prices are per participant, excl. VAT.
For in-company group training courses, we charge € 4600 base price + € 200 per participant (max.12).

More Information

Register For This Training

Closeup of employer showing his new employee where to sign an employment contract

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