We support professionals, teams, and organizations in creating great places to work and learn. We are convinced you have all the resources you need to realize your ambitions and overcome whatever stands in your way. Let us help you unlock them.

Are you looking for effective learning initiatives? Is engagement more important to you than bare knowledge. Our experience-based training sessions challenge mental models and move your people to take ownership.

Is there something you want to improve in your career as a leader, coach, teacher or infuencer? In one-on-one coaching, we uncover your aspirations. We explore your resources, define doable steps, and support you in realizing them.

Are you looking for a next step in guiding change in your organization? Start with your teams. They are the basic value-adding building blocks of your organization. With our materials, you will unlock their wisdom.
Where We Made a Difference

"I will never forget being dragged through the woods by Dobby the amazing sniffer dog. In about an hour I learned about servant leadership, safety at work, rewards and setting clear goals."

"My Connective Leadership Training Course took flight in 2017, and I'm still soaring through the skies. What an incredible learning journey this still is for me."

"To my surprise, I discovered I actually am good enough. And what I don't know, I can learn by jumping in and trusting myself. My worldview has really changed."

Dobby Effect
Are you curious how you could learn about improving teamwork and have more fun with your dog at the same time? Try one of our DobbyEffect Challenges!