Inspiring Collaborations

We inspire by sharing and thereby planting seeds for change.
- Linda & Remi-Armand -

Asian creative team sitting and working sharing creative ideas inspire

Inspiration As a Resource

Inspiration is a resource an individual, team, or organization needs to function well. Inspiration supports:

  • An individual’s contribution to a team
  • A team’s contribution to an organization
  • And an organization’s contribution to its customers and society


Since we can’t be everywhere, we have gathered numerous inspiring seeds here for you. Pick the most beautiful ones, find a fertile spot, plant them and let them grow. We would love to hear what grew from our seeds.

Inspiring Leadership

Your challenge as a leader is to find a good balance between structure and autonomy. Structure helps teams to get the job done efficiently. Autonomy helps teams to adapt their approach when circumstances change and structure gets in the way. We help you and your management team(s) to find and hold that balance.

Businessman hand pick one of wood block in row with leadership concept
Inspired ladies and gentleman on their way to the office

An Inspiring Environment

As a leader, you shape the environment in which teams realize results. Science has shown that the environment determines over 80% of people’s behavior. We help you to implement the environmental characteristics that contribute to improving team results.

From Bad to new habits concept

Inspiring Healthy Habits

Our brains are wired to conserve energy. Consciously planning and executing our every move takes a lot of brain energy. That is why we create habits (unconscious patterns of doing things). If you experience resistance to change, it is more likely that people are exhausted than unwilling. We help you as a leader to find proven habits that support a healthy work environment. And we help you to instate these behaviors in your teams.

Building a Healthier Organization

The most effective way to organize people is to let them self-organize. The most effective organizations are the ones that keep reinventing themselves. The best way to deal with—what seems like—resistance to change, is not to provoke it in the first place. This is what agile teamwork, the learning organization and positive coaching styles are all about. Learn more about this in the books that inspired us the most in writing our books, developing our techniques and developing our organizational coaching skills.

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