
You go faster alone, you get further together.
- Dutch saying -

Map chaecking for the direction

Guidance From Within

People, collaborating in teams are the value-adding building blocks of your organization and society. They hold the knowledge. That is why we work with a team of ambassadors from the work floor to become the driving force behind team development and organizational learning.

We base our approach on an open set of tools. These tools continuously support your teams on their independent journey through an ever-changing world, long after our assignment has ended. We are happy to guide you again when needed as you encounter new challenges further down the road.

We believe in...

Who are you? What unique way has your organization found to make a difference? What next step would make your contribution even more effective? These questions drive us to get to know you and together bring out your organization’s potential.

Together we design engaging next steps to improve collaboration and realize the results you need.

With a Team of Ambasadors

Together, we create and guide a team of ambassadors from the work floor. The ambassadors support each other in breaking frustrating organizational patterns. The ambassador team drives team development in your organization.

At a fixed cadence, we facilitate a get-together of the ambassador team and the management team. We jointly set goals for the upcoming period and create an environment for the teams to flourish.

Don't try to be like someone else. Be yourself and make a difference.

With an Open Set of Techniques

Old-fashioned compass

To enable your organization to take ownership of team development and organizational learning, we provide an open set of techniques and guidance. We develop and share these techniques through a Creative Commens Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 

Schedule an Introductory Meeting

Female planning schedule and appointment on calendar planner

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