Culture Scan

From A to Better


Gaining insight into the current situation and the change needed to solve the current problems and become more effective.


How far have you progressed as a team? Are you making the right steps toward team learning? This technique helps you to collectively look at your current culture. Understand where the current problems come from and puts a spot on the horizon for improving your situation.



Torbjorn Gyllebring talks about why some organizations are better, sometimes much better than others, at reaching their goals. He presents a simple model of organizational effectiveness

Video blog by Rini van Solingen. This time he sits with Bob Marshall at the Lean Kanban Central Europe conference. They discuss the rightshifting concept and how this impacts the individual careers of software professionals.

To Work

Divide the team into groups of two or three people. Provide a set of cards for each group.

  1. Let each group divide the cards into three piles (see picture):
    1. Current Reality
    2. Vision of the Future
    3. Other (you won’t need this pile any further)
  2. Lay out the matrix on the table. Put the strip with “Type of Shared Mindset” horizontally in the middle. Vertically, on the left side, put the strip for Current Reality below and Vision of the Future above the horizontal strip.
  3. Now sort the “Current Reality” pile, using the code at the top of each card. So put a card with the code “3B” to the right of “3: Process” and below “B: Analytical”;
  4. Do the same for the pile of “Vision of the Future”.
  5. Compare the current and desired situation. Collaboratively discuss the differences. What do you notice? What do you learn from this? How can we achieve better results together?
  6. Select three cards from the matrix that you and your team would like to focus on in the coming period. These may come from either “Current Reality” or the “Vision of the Future”. As a team, distill two or three improvement actions for the coming period.


You find a description of Bob Marshall’s Rightshifting Model in section 2.3 Balance Discipline and Chaos of our book Connective Teamwork (EN, NL). The book helps you set your team in motion with a practical 5-step plan and 20 teamwork techniques. This technique is described in more detail in section 9.4 Culture Scan.

You can learn more about and practice this technique in our Connective Team Coach Training Course.

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