The Diversity and Inclusion Compass helps you open up the conversation on creating a more inspiring workplace for everyone. This technique aims to increase awareness and understanding around the issues of diversity, inclusion and psychological safety within a team or organization. The goal is to encourage participants to reflect on how these aspects are currently perceived and managed, and to identify concrete steps for improvement.
During the exercise, participants stand around a floor sheet on which 15 aspects of diversity, inclusion and psychological safety are plotted in a circle with a spider web pattern. Each aspect is linked to a scale from 1 to 5, which allows participants to visually assess the current state of each aspect within their team or organization. By asking questions about each aspect, participants are encouraged to move to the relevant part of the floor sheet and share their thoughts and experiences.
- Deeper understanding of diversity, inclusion and psychological safety
- Greater sense of psychological safety in the workplace
- Fewer misunderstandings and unspoken issues
- More inclusive and supportive work environment
- Improved collaboration and team cohesion
That Little Voice (2.5 minutes, EN)
We’ve all experienced times when the voice in our head tells us to stay silent when we’ve seen or have been subjected to non-inclusive behavior. Instead of listening to that little voice, it’s time to find yours and use it to #SpeakUpForInclusion.
What Diversity & Inclusion is REALLY About | Simon Sinek (4 minutes, EN)
We all have blinders. We can only see things from our own perspective. But when we come together with a common cause or a shared vision, our view broadens, and we’re able to recognize things that we never could’ve seen on our own. That’s why the best companies are diverse: they have diverse thinking.
To Work

Here are some questions you can use, standing around the Diversity and Inclusion floor sheet:
- What aspect do we have right in the team/department/organization and how does it show?
- What aspect of diversity is undervalued? Why do you think so and how can we improve it?
- How does psychological safety contribute to your daily work experience? Can you give a recent example in which you felt particularly supported? Can you give a recent example in which you felt relatively unsafe?
- What steps can we take to ensure balanced representation in our department? Are there any groups or perspectives that are currently underrepresented?
- Reflect on a time when a lack of inclusion affected your work. How would the situation have been different if inclusion had been a priority?
- What aspect deserves attention in the coming period to create a more pleasant work environment and better utilize and develop everyone's talents?
You find more team techniques in our book Connective Teamwork. The book helps you set your team in motion with a practical 5-step plan and 20 teamwork techniques.
You can learn more about and practice this technique in our Connective Team Coach Training Course.

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