Team Learning

Change your perspective

Group of kindergarten kids learning gardening outdoors


Involve the team in pinpointing the next area of improvement.


Self-reliance and taking a broader view are key to team learning. This technique challenges the team to identify past successes in improving their way of working and trying new experiments from a different angle.



Learning organizations promote team learning (1 minute, EN)

Learning organizations understand that team learning is more important than individual learning. When teams learn together, they learn to work well together and are able to come up with multiple insights and perspectives to solve challenges.


What Makes the Highest Performing Teams in the World (1.5 minutes, EN)

Simon Sinec talks about the Navy SEALs as an example of what makes teams great. They aren’t made up of the strongest, toughest, or smartest candidates. They all possess something much deeper.

To Work

Put the Connective Teaming floor sheet in the middle of the room. Then, with tape, divide the area around the model in five areas. Briefly explain the five areas of attention in the model. Then use the following questions to have a discussion on improving your way of working. After each main question, ask the participants to stand in the appropriate area for each question. Then use the follow-up questions to deepen the discussion.
  1. What area got the most attention in the last period? How did we do that? Which improvements actions or experiments did we do? What was the result? 
  2. What area is most familiar to you? What have you done or did you see others (teachers, coaches, leaders) do to help teams improve in this area?
  3. What area gets the least amount of attention in our team? How does that impact team performance?
  4. What area should we focus on in the upcoming period to significantly improve our way of working? How could we do that? What result do we expect from that?

Agree on two or three improvement ideas to act on.


You find a description of this model in sections 3.6 Ingredients for Team Success and 4.4 Recipe for Team Success in our book Connective Teamwork (EN, NL). The book helps you set your team in motion with a practical 5-step plan and 20 teamwork techniques.

You can learn more about and practice this technique in our Connective Team Coach Training Course.

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