Flexibility Challenge

Try a few challenges with your dog. Find out which one works best to increase your dog’s optimism. What can you learn from this challenge to improve collaboration in your team(s)?

Self-care Challenge

Try a few challenges with your dog. Find out which one works best to increase your dog’s optimism. What can you learn from this challenge to improve collaboration in your team(s)?

Drive Challenge

Try a few techniques with your dog. Find out what works to increase your dog’s eagerness to work for you. What can you learn from this to improve drive and satisfaction in your team(s)?

Mindfulness Challenge

Try a few challenges with your dog. Find out which one works best to increase your dog’s optimism. What can you learn from this challenge to improve collaboration in your team(s)?

Collaboration Challenge

Try a few challenges with your dog. Find out which one works best to increase your dog’s optimism. What can you learn from this challenge to improve collaboration in your team(s)?

Optimism Challenge

Try a few challenges with your dog. Find out which one works best to increase your dog’s optimism. What can you learn from this challenge to improve collaboration in your team(s)?

Virtual/Hybrid Meetings and Collaboration, 1 Day Training

Explaining online data

Just Imagine… Wouldn’t it be great if it doesn’t matter whether you join from home or the office? If meetings, live and virtual, give energy and lead to clear results? If everyone knows what we are working on so we can help each other (also remotely)? If everyone feels involved in what we contribute, no […]

Enablement Challenge

Goal Have fun with your dog and learn about building self-confidence in your team(s). Description Download the worksheet with this exercise Answer the first set of questions Watch the video below and do the challenges with your dog Answer the rest of the questions from the worksheet We are very greatful if you post a […]

Tolerance of Frustration Challenge

Goal Have fun with your dog and learn about strengthening a tolerance of frustration in your team(s). Description Download the worksheet with this exercise Answer the first set of questions Watch the video below and do the challenges with your dog Answer the rest of the questions from the worksheet We are very greatful if […]

Focus Challenge

Goal Have fun with your dog and learn about increasing focus in your team(s). Description Download the worksheet with this exercise Answer the first set of questions Watch the video below and do the challenges with your dog Answer the rest of the questions from the worksheet We are very greatful if you post a […]

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