Connective Teaming Training Course, 12 Half-Day Modules, Next March 11th 2025

Just Imagine… Isn’t it nice if your team members are optimally attuned to each other? When they ask each other for help and collaborate to get things done before starting something new. If they proactively remove obstacles in their way and take ownership over their way of working. That you as a manager, coach, scrum […]

Connectivate – Network Events

Inspire Inspire each other, exchange experiences, have fun and learn how to achieve better results with your team and organization. That’s what our Connectivate Network Events are all about. In your role as a leader, manager, coach, or facilitator, you will always learn something new here. Contribute your curiosity and enthusiasm to make our next […]

Lean Streamlining Wizard, Two-Day Training, In-company

Pizza delivery service

Just Imagine… What would you wish for if you could grant your customer’s every wish? If your employees were solely focused on adding value to your products. If departments would eagerly participate in streamlining the whole value chain. If teams made knowledge transfer and professional development part of their daily work. You and your teams […]

Self-regulation Challenge

Try a few challenges with your dog. Find out which one works best to increase your dog’s optimism. What can you learn from this challenge to improve collaboration in your team(s)?

Grit Challenge

Try a few challenges with your dog. Find out which one works best to increase your dog’s optimism. What can you learn from this challenge to improve collaboration in your team(s)?

Precision Challenge

Try a few challenges with your dog. Find out which one works best to increase your dog’s optimism. What can you learn from this challenge to improve collaboration in your team(s)?

Leading SAFe® training with SAFe Agilist® certification, next June 10th 2024

Delegate in conference hall

Just Imagine… Wouldn’t it be great if your organization could flexibly anticipate market needs? If innovation was part of the DNA of your departments? What if  support came up with actionable solutions before people in the line had a clear understanding of the need? If teams would come together to manage dependencies, solve bottlenecks, and […]

Selectivity Challenge

Try a few challenges with your dog. Find out which one works best to increase your dog’s optimism. What can you learn from this challenge to improve collaboration in your team(s)?

Flexibility Challenge

Try a few challenges with your dog. Find out which one works best to increase your dog’s optimism. What can you learn from this challenge to improve collaboration in your team(s)?

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