
Picture it

Yacht sail cruise aerial. Sailboat reflect at ocean bay. Mountain coast of Brodick, Arran island


Shared view of the team goal and the way to get there.


This dialogue worksheet helps a team visualize their vision of the ideal future and the way to get there.



Noodles & Doodles – We wrap up our favorite Sprint 0 exercises with one that is designed to help you, and your development team, take a step back and look at the entire project from a distance. In the Sailboat exercise, we’re want to identify anything that can push us forward, slow us down or sink the entire project.

To Work

  1. Place the dialogue worksheet on a table for the team members to sit around. In step 1 lay the manual for working with a worksheet. Make sure each team member has a marker.
  2. Read the manual working with a worksheet if you have not worked with a worksheet before.
  3. Go through the worksheet step by step, with the team members taking turns reading and facilitating a question.


This technique is a nice addition to our book Connective Leadership (EN, NL, DE). The book helps you set your team in motion with simple visualizations and communication techniques.

You can learn more about and practice this technique in our Connective Team Coach Training Course.

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