I am Dobby
Hello, I am Dobby, a hard working and fast learning Golden Retriever. Together with my companion, Linda, I train and coach organizations. We help employees, teams, and management deal better with change and continuously improve themselves. We also enjoy working with other dogs and their owners.
I train with Linda as a competitive hunting, sniffing, and tracking dog. We use these skills in our leadership coaching and training courses.

My Work

I help people become better leaders, coaches, and trainers by letting them experience the Dobby Effect. I help them experiment with positivity coaching, line length, body posture, gestures, and keeping me safe.
They help me maximize my talents as we work toward a common goal. In our exercises, I get them thinking about the parallels with leadership practices in their daily work.
The Dobby Effect
We use the Dobby Effect as a metaphor for (personal) leadership. As a participant in our training, you experience the Dobby Effect firsthand and reflect on the parallels to your daily work. Once you get the Dobby Effect, you cannot un-get it. It will stay with you for the rest of your life. If you get stuck, just think about what you would do if Dobby were there, and you will become more effective.
If you want to experience the Dobby Effect for yourself, join one of our short Dobby Effect workshops.

Pick Your Challenge
Are you a leader/manager/coach and do you have a faithful four-legged friend by your side? Would you like to work on your leadership skills and challenge your dog more? Could you use a testing framework for your management ideas? Then our Dobby Effect challenges are going to capture you. In just a few minutes a day, you’ll have more fun with your dog and learn to use your leadership skills more effectively.
There is a whole body of scientific knowledge with lessons on how to become a more effective dog trainer (and leader in the workplace). We will engage you in experiencing what these lessons are and how you, your dog and your team(s) can benefit from them. We will be adding a new challenge every week, so stay tuned.

Experiment with a positive attitude.
Help your dog and team(s) build
the strategies they need to respond
in the best way possible.
Experiment with the ability
to work and overcome challenges
without encouragement or reward.