
We connot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.
- Max DePree -

Officers with detection dogs checking baggage at airport

Adapting To Change

The value of your organization is in its people. People create value as they collaborate with their peers to realize shared goals. Collaboration works best in small, long-lived teams so you can preserve what you learn together. Given the right circumstances, you flexibly adapt to changing needs from the environment.

Teams and organizations create patterns to be predictable and efficient. Some patterns can become obsolete and get in the way of adapting to changing needs. We help your organization sniff out these frustrating patterns. Identifying these patterns is the first step in fixing them.

Individual Learning

Your learning starts at birth and continues all through your life. You learn as a consequence of ongoing interactions with your environment.

Unfortunately, patterns in our organizations can lead to a condition called learned helplessness. As people get reprimanded for their efforts to improve (this is not how we do things around here), they resign from trying. This is why we augment our training with coaching on the job and leadership coaching. We help you create the right environment to put the newly learned knowledge and skills into practice.

Young office workers or students as a team

Team Learning

Team Learning is a collective learning process consisting of dialogue, solving conflicts, practicing, and learning new individual and group skills. Your goal is to continuously let teams (re)discover their own formula for successfully achieving shared goals.

Given this definition, Team Learning can conflict with standardization and implementing methods. Leaders promoting approaches like Agile, Scrum, SAFe®, and Lean should be aware of this conflict since Team Learning is a key ingredient for all of these methods. We help your leadership team(s) find a minimal set of patterns to create room and a breeding ground for Team Learning in your organization.

Group of business people collaborating in office

Organisational Learning

You are a Learning Organization if you continuously transform yourself to enhance your capacity to create results you really care about. For your organization to transforms itself, you need insight into frustrating, obsolete patterns, and you need to change the mental models behind those patterns. Albert Einstein once put it like this: “If you want to solve a problem, you have to change the way you thought when you created it.”

In our coaching and training, we challenge existing mental models in the field of leadership and teamwork. We do this by offering experiences (in simulations) rather than explanations. And we offer scientifically and practically proven alternatives that invoke lasting change.

Creating a Learning Organization

Here we have collected a few movies on books that inspired us to create healthier organizations. The ideas from these books form the basis for our interactive materials you can use to create a healthier workplace.

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