Meeting Scan

Juicing up the conversation

Businesswomen Interacting With Their Colleague


The aim of the method below is to get more value out of the time you spend in meetings. By agreeing on a number of basic values ​​that according to your team an effective meeting meets, you will come out of meetings with a better feeling.


What makes you experience a meeting as valuable? How do you ensure that you come out with energy and that something happens to the result? Our Meeting Manifesto compares a number of meeting success factors. The Meeting Scan helps the team to find the right balance between these success factors and thus make meetings more effective and challenging.



4 Reasons for Meetings (7 minutes, EN)

Lire la vidéo

Patrick Lencioni shows in his book Death By Meeting what makes our meeting culture so boring and what you can do about it. In this video he summarizes the most important tips.

To Work

What makes you experience a meeting as valuable? How do you ensure that you come out of it energized and that something happens with the outcome?

This is how you use the floor sheets provided with this technique.

  1. Place the floor sheets with success factors on the floor in random order.
  2. Use tallying or dot-voting to indicate how the attention is now distributed. Each team member distributes five dots to the left of the floorboards. Multiple dots for one success factor is allowed.
  3. Indicate how you would divide the attention between these values ​​to make your meetings more interesting and effective. Each team member again distributes five dots but this time on the right side of the floorboards.
  4. Rearrange the floorboards according to the picture below. Now add up the scores per column. Discuss the difference between the current and desired situation with each other.
  5. What will you do to make your meetings more effective? Together, determine two or three improvement actions for the coming period.

The image shows the result of this working method, performed on a virtual whiteboard.


Meeting manifesto was created by us and derived from the Agile Manifesto.

You find a more elaborate description of this technique in section 6.2 Meeting Scan in our book Connective Teamwork (EN, NL). The book helps you set your team in motion with a practical 5-step plan and 20 teamwork techniques.

You can learn more about and practice this technique in our Connective Team Coach Training Course.

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